Wednesday, July 15, 2015

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8 Plastic Surgeries That Went Horribly Wrong. Really Wrong.

Martin Pistorius, a normal child with an interest in electronics, grew up in South Africa, but at the age of 12 a mysterious illness began to take hold of him. His symptoms started small: First he developed a sore throat, then he began sleeping most of the time, and eventually he lost his ability to move entirely.
(Martin pictured far right, front)

Doctors believed Martin suffered from cryptococcal meningitis. They were unable to help him, so they sent him home with his parents and told them they should care for the boy until his death.

Martin Pistorius sometime between 1990 and 1994, when he was unable to communicate.

He became a prisoner in his own body...

At home the family developed a procedure for caring for Martin. The parents bathed him, fed him, and flipped him every 2 hours to make sure he didn't develop bedsores. During the day they sent him off to a care center. Two years into his coma, Pistorius began slowly to regain consciousness, and by the time he was 16 he became fully aware of his situation; however, he was still not able to move his body at all. It would be 10 more years before he was able to communicate with anyone.  At home the family developed a procedure for caring for Martin. The parents bathed him, fed him, and flipped him every 2 hours to make sure he didn't develop bedsores. During the day they sent him off to a care center. Two years into his coma, Pistorius began slowly to regain consciousness, and by the time he was 16 he became fully aware of his situation; however, he was still not able to move his body at all. It would be 10 more years before he was able to communicate with anyone.

 Martin’s miraculous recovery was recounted in his book Ghost Boy. Hollywood is now fighting over his story to make it into a movie

 Martin spent his days with employees who cut corners with his care and abused him.
In his own words:
“It was horrific. Of course they [Martin's parents] felt dreadful when they eventually found out and my father Rodney reported what happened but of course everyone denied it and as a result I have never had justice. People in the care home would pull my hair making my eyes water, the metal spoon would crash against my teeth as they forced food into my mouth.
“When it made me sick they’d shout and scream at me. I knew if I cried it would only make it worse. I would be forced to drink scalding tea or fed until I was sick, then I’d be slapped, shouted at, made to feel worthless, then would come the sexual attacks from women who were supposed to be looking after me. One woman would come into the room and straddle me and simulate sex with me and touch me inappropriately. Nothing made me feel more powerless, I longed to run away.”

Martin was forced to watch endless re-runs of children’s cartoon Barney the Dinosaur which itself became a form of torture.

Martin was forced to watch endless re-runs of the children's cartoon Barney the Dinosaur 

Martin recalls that another lesser form of torture was the countless hours he spent, wheelchair parked in front of a TV, being forced to watch Barney reruns ad nauseam. His most painful moment was when his mother visited his room and quietly told him, 'I hope you die.'.
And then Martin began to attempt methods to engage his thoughts. Through these attempts he was able to slowly make neurological developments. When he was 25 (2001), he was much improved and his therapist began to notice Martin's attempts at communication.

As soon as people noticed he was functioning they began to help him. And as soon as he felt able, he set his mind to learning, trying to make up for lost time. He began to achieve miracles: First, he learned how to communicate through voice of a computer, then he went to school and got a degree, he married, started his own web design company, learned to drive, and even wrote a best selling book called Ghost Boy.

Milestone: Martin and Joanna on their wedding day in 2009. The happy couple has set up home in Hertfordshire and now rarely returns to his native South Africa

Life partners: Martin and Joanna shortly after their engagement
Life partners: Martin and Joanna shortly after their engagement

 Now his story is so much famous that he is hoping a Hollywood film to be filmed over his life story and he and his wife are hoping to be played by Matt Damon and Cameron Diaz. :)

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Man Spent 12 Years In Coma, Heard Everthing Even His Mother Saying 'I Hope You Die'

“SourceForge are (sic) abusing the trust that we and our users had put into their service in the past,” according to the GIMP project. Since 2013, SourceForge has been bundling junkware along with their installers — sometimes without a developer’s permission.

Be careful and avoid downloading software from SourceForge if you can help it. Many open-source projects now host their installers elsewhere, and the versions on SourceForge may include junkware. If you absolutely have to download something from SourceForge, be extra careful.

I know that this is gonna strike you and you're gonna be surprised but SourceForge has also turned now to the dark side. SourceForge elevated hopes of many people who were tired of the malware they received while downloading stuff from freeware software sites and certainly it built up a lot of goodwill in the past, being a centralized place for downloading open-source software and hosting software repositories. Over the years, more projects have moved to other repository-hosting services like GitHub.

In 2012, a company named Dice Holdings bought SourceForge (and Slashdot) from Geeknet. And in 2013, SourceForge enabled a feature named “DevShare.” DevShare is an opt-in feature developers can enable for their own projects. If a developer enables this feature, you’ll download their software from SourceForge to find that it’s been wrapped in SourceForge’s own installer, which pushes intrusive junkware onto your system. SourceForge and developers make money by foisting this software on you, just as practically every other download site and freeware distributor does on Windows.


WARNING: Don't Download Software From SourceForge If You Can Help It

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

 A Dutch photographer and artist named Frans Hofmeester condensed 14 years' worth of footage into an elegant 4 minutes-lasting time-lapse video about his daughter, Lotte.

"I filmed Lotte every week from the moment she was born. She was changing at such a rapid pace, that I felt the need to document the way she looked, to keep my memories intact," Hofmeester writes of the series on his website. "Other people might make a photo book, but I decided to film."

Watch this video below:

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Awesome Dad's Video Shows 14 Years Of His Daughter's Life In 4 Whirlwind Minutes

Monday, July 13, 2015

Yes, we're on Facebook and we daily post awesome funny videos, and photos there just to make you laugh! So do not forget to like our page. :)

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Whenever we download something from the internet, it comes in a special '.exe' package file which we open and proceed to install that piece of software that we have downloaded from the Internet. These files are usually called 'Setup files' or 'Installation Wizards'.

This tutorial is going to show you to how to make a professional-looking Installation Wizards.
For this purpose, you'll be needing a software named Smart Install Maker.

Just click here to download this software. (If this link doesn't work, then click here to download this software manually.)

This software is really light-weight (like 1.5MegaBytes).

Once you have download it, open it. Now as you'll have already seen that this is basically a trial version and you'll have to buy its full version. But do not worry, we here are providing you with a free serial key.

The stuff you'll need for registering this software is:

Serial Key:
Just do as the following images show to register:


Done you'll be done with registering!

So after that you can make package files or installation wizards of any file you like. Here below, we are giving you an example on how to do so:

All of the configurations we have shown in above screenshots were the essential ones, the other configurations are not necessary but are useful if to want to get more out of your package file.

For starting the creation of your package file do as it is shown below:

Click this little button which is present on tools pane of software:

After it, the compiling will start and you'll start seeing something like this:

So, this is how you can make professional-looking installation wizards!


How To Make Professional-looking Installation Wizards Or Setups Easily?

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Flash games are really addicting. Sometimes I spend countless hours playing them and I am pretty sure that I am not the only one who does this.

But what if somebody doesn't just want to play online game, but wants to create one? If that somebody is you then here's a quick tutorial for you:

What you'll just need is a cool website named Sploder which you can access by simply clicking here.

You can easily create stupendous flash games here as the interface is pretty user-friendly and easy to understand.

Here we are giving links to some games (as an example) that have been made using this awesome site:

Five Nights At Freddy Jumpscare

purple guys death



How To Easily Make Flash Games Online?

Saturday, July 11, 2015

 Easter eggs are really cool and popular nowadays and I'm not talking about those things you hunt for in April. I'm talking about media-based Easter eggs, the ones you hunt for in technology. Most companies have little gems hidden throughout their media. One in particular is Disney, that corporation we all know and love for providing us some of our favorite childhood memories. They have characters from other movies hidden away, having viewers search them out. Some are obvious and others not so much. How many of these have you noticed?

The Little Mermaid: During King Triton's entrance, you can spot Goofy, Mickey, and Donald. 

Aladdin: When the Sultan's toys appear in Aladdin, the Beast is one of them.

The Little Mermaid: During the wedding scene in The Little Mermaid, you can see The Grand Duke and The King from Cinderella

The Brother Bear: Do you recognize that little guy? That's Nemo from Finding Nemo

Hercules: The slain Nemean Lion in Hercules? It's Scar.

The Princess And The Frog: In the opening scene of the movie, if you look carefully, you'll see Aladdin's Magic Carpet.

Tangled: That circled little fella is Pinocchio. 

Lilo & Stitch: That's a Dumbo stuffed toy. 

Tarzan: Does the kitchenware look familiar? That's Mrs. Potts and Chip from Beauty and the Beast

The Princess And The Frog: That's King Triton from Little Mermaid as a Mardi Gras float.

You Surely Missed These Disney Characters! That's Really SURPRISING!

Its really hard to teach a human baby how to ride a bike so you can well imagine how much it is difficult to teach a raccoon to how to do so.

But this raccoon rocked it.

This Raccoon Proves That She's Really Talented! What She Did Will Surprise You...

Friday, July 10, 2015

 The United States of America is really a very misunderstood country. Talking about the facts, almost everybody in the world has a different point of view concerning what it should/could be and the media never helps. Every state of the U.S, if not completely still is slightly different. Actually, every state even has its own military! To understand why America is what it is you need to go back to its roots. It was built by people trying to escape government. It was built with a wild west, this-land-is-mine mentality. It’s a no-government-can-tell-me-what-to-do mentality. It’s survival of the fittest and this mentality survives until today. This is why each state has a militia. That is why guns are prevalent. This is why the US has a huge rich-poor gap. In Europe people are used to monarchies and governments making decisions, providing protections, etc. In fact, government oversight is typically seen as a good thing. In the US it is not. In Europe taking care of the poor is seen as the government’s job. In the US it is seen as the role of the churches, non-profits, etc. The mentality is different and almost every single items you find on this list stems from that anti-government, wild west mentality. For better or for worse these are 25 things that visitors will find most surprising about the United States.

1) People almost never carry cash. Payments are usually debit or credit.

 us facts 

2) If you are from Europe this won't surprise you (but if you are from Asia and especially Middle East), but parents can be arrested for physically punishing their children 

us facts

3) Prices. The U.S. price tags don't include taxes, so what you see on the tag is not necessarily what you pay at the register. This may confuse some visitors.

us facts

4) This thing's actually good that people actually drive within their lanes. Ok, this is pretty common in Europe too, but if you're coming from Asia or Africa get ready to witness the wonder.

us facts

5) Country is huge and there is virtually no public transport. This is a symptom of the Wild West mentality. It's up to you to find your own way around.

us facts 

6) With some exceptions, cities look the same, suburbs look the same, and everything is zoned. Don't expect your suburban neighborhood to be full of cool stores, boutiques, or bars. (Though we have to admit, this is a trend that is changing)

 us facts

7) Portion sizes are beyond massive. Coupled with the car culture it is easy to see why obesity is more prevalent than in other parts of the world.

us facts 

8) Guns! Yes, this is a prime example of the last point. It is insanely easy for you to purchase a gun. But no, most Americans have never been in or seen a gun battle. The country is safer than the news would suggest.

 us facts

 9) Drive-throughs are everywhere. In fact, there are even drive through pharmacies! Once again, more convenience is offset by less health.

us facts 

10) Each state has its own military! Well, technically they are militias. This also highlights a much deeper point. Every state is run independently. Taxes, education, military, etc. is all controlled to a significant extent on the state level.

us facts

But with all these facts, there's certainly no denying in that US's a dream of many nations. Every year millions of people visit the US with the 'American Dream' in their head.

10 Things That Visitors Will Find Most Surprising About The United States

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