Friday, July 10, 2015

10 Things That Visitors Will Find Most Surprising About The United States

 The United States of America is really a very misunderstood country. Talking about the facts, almost everybody in the world has a different point of view concerning what it should/could be and the media never helps. Every state of the U.S, if not completely still is slightly different. Actually, every state even has its own military! To understand why America is what it is you need to go back to its roots. It was built by people trying to escape government. It was built with a wild west, this-land-is-mine mentality. It’s a no-government-can-tell-me-what-to-do mentality. It’s survival of the fittest and this mentality survives until today. This is why each state has a militia. That is why guns are prevalent. This is why the US has a huge rich-poor gap. In Europe people are used to monarchies and governments making decisions, providing protections, etc. In fact, government oversight is typically seen as a good thing. In the US it is not. In Europe taking care of the poor is seen as the government’s job. In the US it is seen as the role of the churches, non-profits, etc. The mentality is different and almost every single items you find on this list stems from that anti-government, wild west mentality. For better or for worse these are 25 things that visitors will find most surprising about the United States.

1) People almost never carry cash. Payments are usually debit or credit.

 us facts 

2) If you are from Europe this won't surprise you (but if you are from Asia and especially Middle East), but parents can be arrested for physically punishing their children 

us facts

3) Prices. The U.S. price tags don't include taxes, so what you see on the tag is not necessarily what you pay at the register. This may confuse some visitors.

us facts

4) This thing's actually good that people actually drive within their lanes. Ok, this is pretty common in Europe too, but if you're coming from Asia or Africa get ready to witness the wonder.

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5) Country is huge and there is virtually no public transport. This is a symptom of the Wild West mentality. It's up to you to find your own way around.

us facts 

6) With some exceptions, cities look the same, suburbs look the same, and everything is zoned. Don't expect your suburban neighborhood to be full of cool stores, boutiques, or bars. (Though we have to admit, this is a trend that is changing)

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7) Portion sizes are beyond massive. Coupled with the car culture it is easy to see why obesity is more prevalent than in other parts of the world.

us facts 

8) Guns! Yes, this is a prime example of the last point. It is insanely easy for you to purchase a gun. But no, most Americans have never been in or seen a gun battle. The country is safer than the news would suggest.

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 9) Drive-throughs are everywhere. In fact, there are even drive through pharmacies! Once again, more convenience is offset by less health.

us facts 

10) Each state has its own military! Well, technically they are militias. This also highlights a much deeper point. Every state is run independently. Taxes, education, military, etc. is all controlled to a significant extent on the state level.

us facts

But with all these facts, there's certainly no denying in that US's a dream of many nations. Every year millions of people visit the US with the 'American Dream' in their head.

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Author & Editor

Hi there! I am a 16 years old boy living in Pakistan. My favorite passtimes include blogging, tweeting, and gobbling down my favorite dishes. Besides this, I also love to play table tennis. Want to ask me a question? You can do so by clicking here.

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