Thursday, July 9, 2015

PewDiePie Wants You To Chill Out About How Much Money He Rakes In

PewDiePie: loud, profane and very popular. He wants you to chill about how much money he rakes in -- which, for the record, was $7.4 million last year.

I do make a lot of money. So what?

 Kjellberg, who goes by the handle "PewDiePie," is famous for posting videos of himself shrieking obscenities while he plays video games. He has by far the largest following on Google's massive video site YouTube, racking up almost 38 million subscribers and 9.3 billion views of his gaming videos. 

 But you know what the problem is?

People are crucifying him that he makes this much money just because they watch him playing video games.

And he's now getting weary of all the people criticizing him.

He says, "Money is a topic that I've purposely tried to avoid for the five years that I've been making videos. I just feel like it's not important to anyone. And I just want to make entertaining videos."


 After saying that he hadn't known there was money to be made in gaming video, Kjellberg points out that he has more than 9 billion views of his videos and that those videos carry ads.

"So whenever it comes out how much I made a certain year, people just get so shocked. A lot of people also were very, very, angry. They thought it was unfair, they thought that I just sit on my ass all day and I just yell at the screen all day...which is true! But there's so much more to it than that."

Kjellberg also noted that in the discussions of his earnings, his efforts to raise money for charities aren't often mentioned. By publicizing several fund drives on his channel, he said, his fans and sponsors last year collectively raised more than $1 million for the World Wildlife Fund, St. Jude's Hospital, Charity: Water, and Save the Children over more than two years.

"I understand that haters gonna hate, right?" he said. "But I don't know. I really think money doesn't make you happy." Yeah, easy for you to say, mate.

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Author & Editor

Hi there! I am a 16 years old boy living in Pakistan. My favorite passtimes include blogging, tweeting, and gobbling down my favorite dishes. Besides this, I also love to play table tennis. Want to ask me a question? You can do so by clicking here.

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