Wednesday, July 30, 2014

5 Racist Ads Promoting Negative Image of Black People

Here is a list consisting of 5 racist adverts that promote the wrong or negative image of black people. Take a look at them:



Sony Corporation promoted a Black-against-white ad in their multi-vignette PlayStation Portable campaign in 2006. The ad featured a strong-looking white woman, dressed in all white, clawing and dominating a subordinate Black woman. The ad was constructed to promote their new ceramic white PSP.



In 2007, Intel Corporation launched a national advertising campaign that featured a white man dressed in business attire standing over six muscular Black runners bowing down in front of him in perfect symmetry.



Nivea suggested Blacks needed to re-civilize themselves in a 2011 campaign for shaving cream. The promo showed a well-dressed and clean-shaven Black man throwing the head of a not-so clean-shaven Afro-wearing male.



Vogue magazine recreated a scene from the film “King Kong” on its cover photo of NBA star Lebron James and model Gisele Bundchen.

The cover depicted James as King Kong and Bundchen as the  ”damsel in distress.”



In 2011, Dove released an ad with magnified images of clean and unclean skin as the backdrop to three women of different skin colors.

In a timeline from the left to right, there is a Black women directly under the image of unclean skin, a biracial woman in the middle, and a white woman directly under the image of clean skin.

Above the images are the words “Before”  ————> “After.”


About the Author


Author & Editor

Hi there! I am a 16 years old boy living in Pakistan. My favorite passtimes include blogging, tweeting, and gobbling down my favorite dishes. Besides this, I also love to play table tennis. Want to ask me a question? You can do so by clicking here.


  1. that nivea one is not racist. u are only making a mess of it. i am black too but i dont think that nivea ad is racist. it only shows that all men should groom themselves, it doesnt say only black men. gros..


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