Saturday, March 7, 2015

iPhone 7: Release Date, Rumors, And Features

We don't know much, but we know we want it

Ten things we d like to see in the iPhone 6S and iPhone 7

The iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus have been with us long enough now that we're getting a little tired of them. Fickle, we know. But the mooted specs and features of the new iPhone (probably called the iPhone 6S, with the iPhone 7 coming in 2016) are starting to trickle out.
Latest update: The iPhone 6s could inherit an innovative new Apple Watch feature, but some early camera rumors are now looking less likely.
We've also rounded up 10 things we think should appear in the next iteration for Apple to finally have the all-conquering handset it's been trying to create for so many years.
What would you like to see in the iPhone 6S and iPhone 7? Do let us know in the comments. But before we get to what we want to see, here are the best (and most believable) of the rumors on offer so far:

Cut to the chase

  • What is it? Apple's next flagship
  • When is it out? Very likely September 2015 but some believe as soon as spring
  • What will it cost? A lot, at least £539 / $649 / AU$869

News and rumors

The iPhone 6s could get an innovative new feature in the form of 'Force Touch'. This is something we'll first see on the Apple Watch and it allows the display to differentiate between different strength presses, responding in different ways.
According to sources speaking to Apple Insider, the feature will make it across to the iPhone 6s, though the same sources have squashed rumors of a two-lens camera system, claiming it would require a radical redesign of the chassis, which isn't on the cards.
Those rumors were started by Daring Fireball's John Gruber, who said the iPhone 6s will have "the biggest camera jump ever", featuring a two-lens system which apparently brings it up to DSLR quality.
We could even speculate what that camera might be, as Sony has just announced a 21MP stacked CMOS sensor which might fit the bill, especially as Sony currently supplies Apple with camera modules.
It's designed to be better able to focus on fast moving objects and includes HDR for 4K video and high-resolution photos, and while Apple might go for a lower-spec sensor (8MP to 21MP is a massive jump) it's interesting to see what features are being made available. But don't hold your breath now the original rumor has had doubt cast on it.
There's even an outside chance that the camera might include a lens swap feature, making it even more like a DSLR, as earlier in the year an Apple patent for swappable lenses was uncovered, though patents don't always turn into products.
The iPhone 6s will of course come with a new processor, probably dubbed the A9 and we're hearing again that Samsung is in the frame to build the chip which will apparently be 15% smaller, 20% more powerful and 35% more power efficient than the Apple A8 processor found in the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus.
It will also be better to flick around, thanks to the mooted upgrade in the specs - 2GB of RAM would certainly soup up an already zippy phone. That said, the obvious worry is whether developers hoovering up that extra power will cause Apple to return to its usual battery woes.
Reports suggest Apple will publicly try out its next operating system through a beta system later this summer. According to reports from 9to5mac Apple will let users sign up to a beta programme for iOS 9 with access coming to those public testers at some point during the summer.
If the rumours are to be believed it'll then launch on the iPhone 7 but will likely only supply bug fixes and won't introduce any major new features.
It's expected support for Apple's new streaming music service will be included in the iOS 8.4 update but that isn't confirmed just yet so Apple may wait until iOS 7 and bring it in as a major new feature. The music streaming service comes after Apple purchased Beats last year and is expected to take on the tough competition of Spotify.

Note: We'll keep this post further updated.

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Hi there! I am a 16 years old boy living in Pakistan. My favorite passtimes include blogging, tweeting, and gobbling down my favorite dishes. Besides this, I also love to play table tennis. Want to ask me a question? You can do so by clicking here.

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